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We are thrilled to announce that our company has been awarded the prestigious new project C2403 Foundation Works of Building 1 Development for Hong Kong-Shenzhen Innovation and Technology Park (HSITP) at Lok Ma Chau in April 2024.

We are honored to be part of the HSITP’s development which focuses on achieving the vision of the “one river, two banks” concept and creating the “one zone, two parks” framework. By combining government policies and technology, HSITP utilizes resources from the Co-operation Zone to evolve into a dynamic center of innovation and talent.

This project focus on bored piling works, interlocking pipe piles, excavation, lateral support, and pile caps, all of which are to be completed in a year. With the tight contract duration and congested site environment, our team of skilled professionals is ready to take up the upcoming challenges.


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