
Springsol process is one of a wide range of solutions within deep soil mixing family. It constructs small diameter soil-cement mix columns to improve soil in-situ. It involves in-situ mixing of soil with cement grout. This technique is suitable for the treatment of sand, clay and gravel.

Springsol uses a fixed or opening tool to construct soil-cement mix columns operating by a small diameter drilling rig. The diameter of the columns can be formed up to 900mm. The process is accompanied by a supervision system to control the amount of cement grout to be injected and the mixing quality. All parameters are recorded in real time.

It is highlighted that Springsol is patented by Bachy Soletanche.


When using an opening tool to construct soil-cement mix columns, the Springsol process includes five steps:

  1. Installation of a casing,
  2. Drilling with the tool, which opens once the bottom of the casing has been reached,

  3. Incorporation of cement grout at low pressure and mixing while drilling,
  4. Additional mixing while the tool is progressively extracted,
  5. The tool folds up again for extraction via the casing.

When using with a fixed tool, the Springsol process simply involves low-pressure incorporation of cement grout and mixing during drilling, along with further mixing during extraction.

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